Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Prenatal Yoga Class at Magee Women's Hospital

$10 per class for six classes is pretty cheap. I just wish it didn't involve an hour's drive each way!

I signed up for it because I have a yearning to flock with other expectant moms, and this momma-herd instinct isn't being satisfied in Natrona Heights where I live.

There are eight in our class, and at 8 months, I'm the most pregnant! Two others are due in June, two in September, one much later, and I believe there rest fall somewhere in between.

The class itself was good. Patty, the instructor is friendly and super nice. Turns out she teaches there every night of the week. This first lesson focused on pelvic floor awareness. We practised breathing in and out in an upright spread-legged position, and feeling how our pelvic floor descended on inhaling and came up when exhaling. I don't have any pelvic floor awareness. I couldn't feel anything really :)

We also did circles while seated cross-legged, to stretch the pelvis; rocked back and forth while inhaling and exhaling; reaching left and right while spread-legged; cat-n-cow poses; one downward dog; a couple swan dives; one warrior pose; tree pose; and some hip wiggles.

Everyone seemed in a hurry to leave right after the class ended, but I stayed to chat with Patty.

I'll be early next week to hopefully do some mingling!

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