Saturday, April 19, 2014

Clapping hands and Putting Things in Cups

Meili has finally learnt how to clap her hands. Started two weeks ago at the end of her tenth month and now does it all the time. 

Just last week too she began putting small objects in containers then dumping them out again. The first time she did that, she spent a whole hour practicing. This week she has been putting her food in my hand, much prefered to throwing on the floor. 

Clapping hands and Putting Things in Cups

Meili has finally learnt how to clap her hands. Started two weeks ago at the end of her tenth month and now does it all the time. 

Just last week too she began putting small objects in containers then dumping them out again. The first time she did that, she spent a whole hour practicing. This week she has been putting her food in my hand, much prefered to throwing on the floor. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Baby Vocabulary at 11 months

Meili will hopefully be trilingual. I haven't been very consistent about talking with her in Malay and Cantonese/mandarin but from her 10th month I have been making good effort. I speak exclusively with her in on of the three languages for a third of the day eg Malay in the morning, chinese in the afternoon and English at night. 

She currently understands these words (I think!):

Mama, papa, nen nen (milk), up, down, come, sit down, lie down, no, wait, carefully, hot, gentle, sayang (caress/love), push, banana, apple, mango, strawberry, avocado, soup, water, cream (her eczema cream), bird, quack quack (her ducky), hoo hoo (her owl), book, bath, sleep, give. 

Below is a pic of Meili demolishing an avocado. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Meili nine month wellness visit

Meili weighs 17 lb 10 oz (40th percentile), head circumference 44.8 cm (76%), and length 30 inches (99%). 

Compared to her 6th month: 15 lb 3 oz (32%), 42.8 cm (65%), 27.75 cm (99%).

And 3rd month: 

11th month: 21 lb, 32 inches. 

Crawling baby really crawling

Meili has really been crawling! Not speed crawling yet but she's definitely moving! And she's doing half tummy crawl and half real crawl. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Cruising baby

She cruised very carefully from one end of the recliner sofa to the other. The incentive? A slice of mandarin orange! Then she cried because she hadn't figured out how to sit down from there yet. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Meili the jabberer

Meili added 'oh boy' to her vocabulary this morning. She's also been saying nanananana. And just aaaaaaaaaaaa. 

Fever Diarrhea Vomiting- poor Baby

The past three days Meili started out clingy and i couldn't figure out why until she developed a fever and from there vomiting and after that diarrhea. This was two weeks after the same sort of flu that laid me out for a week. Her highest temp was 102.9. She's all better today thank god. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Baby top tooth is in

And she has been trying to use me as a teething toy!

She has been having a hard time sleeping the past few nights. Hopefully better tonight. 

Today she pulled up to stand by the crib rail. After two tries and careful thinking she figured out how to lower herself to sit!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Baby crawling!

Meili crawled three slow and measured hand steps yesterday. She had been rocking back and forth for over a month, and doing the hands and knees thing over my thigh (maybe for added security). I placed a doll beyond her reach and she went for it! No hesitation. Just care. 

I am so proud of my baby girl! 

She has been extra clingy the past four days, wanting to pull up to downward dog and standing by grabbing on to my shirt. She seems to be wanting a lot of that!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Infant swim lessons at Kittanning YMCA

Meili's first swim lesson and fourth time in a pool. She loved it even more than the last time. The water is warm and she is comfy. She kicked and scooped like crazy. And kept putting her face in the water. She even blew a bubble. At eight months of age I think that is quite impressive. It's a an hour round trip to this heated pool YMCA and it's worth it because the water isn't chlorinated hardly at all (maybe not even). 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Baby sleeping in car!

We put Meili in the car for a 1.5 hr trip and she fell asleep immediately and stayed asleep the entire ride. We are now on the way home and she fell asleep immediately - let's see if this lasts. I credit dr jay Gordon for helping her learn to sleep.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Crying in arms method: baby sleeps through the night!

We had attempted this method at six months but couldn't follow through and now I look back and think maybe Meili wasn't ready. Because when we tried it again three days ago, it worked! 

I'm uncomfortable about the cry it out method and was glad to learn about this gentle method of helping baby learn to fall back asleep by herself when if woken during the night. I followed dr jay Gordon's guideline which he recommends for babies one year and up.  The first three nights I put her down half awake after her 11pm feed and if she cried I would pick her up and hold her until she was half asleep again then put her down again. No nursing though. 
She cried for up to an hour the first time and after that fell right asleep. Second night was less crying and she would wake and put herself back to sleep with a little whimper. It was incredible. She seems like she is trying hard to sleep and with a little crying she has managed to do so. Six hours straight! Let's see if this sticks.